About Us

Ngā Kaitiaki me ngā Kaihautū o ngā Kaupapa Waka Hourua o Aotearoa

Nau mai, whati mai ki runga i a mātou

Formed in 2021, Te Hau Kōmaru was established to support kaupapa waka hourua throughout Aotearoa. Te Hau Kōmaru Board is a collective of kaupapa waka experts voted in as representatives of the different rohe to guide, advise and inform on mātauranga waka with a focus on protection of kaupapa and kōrero waka, while sharing and keeping mātauranga waka alive. Those rohe include:

  • Te Tai Tokerau
  • Tāmaki Makaurau
  • Te Tairāwhiti
  • Te Tai Hauāuru
  • Te Matau a Māui
  • Te Ūpoko o te Ika 
  • Te Tauihu o te Waka 
  • Te Waipounamu o Runga 
  • Te Waipounamu o Raro

Our Board is there for guidance, advice and information on mātauranga waka. In our engagements we focus on protection, sharing and keeping mātauranga waka alive.


Te Hau Kōmaru emerged following the TUIA 250 Commemorations of 2019 to support kaupapa waka hourua. The goal was to establish and support a national body, develop a strategy and investment case, and fund voyaging events and activities. In December 2020, key waka hourua experts met to discuss the development of a national body and strategy and the following outcomes were identified:

  • That the public awareness of waka hourua kaupapa is further enhanced
  • That a national waka hourua body is established
  • That a national waka hourua strategy is progressed
  • That mātauranga waka hourua is acknowledged and shared


Through waka hourua events and wānanga, the Board established a national governance entity, Te Hau Kōmaru National Waka Hourua Charitable Trust, and the national waka hourua strategy.


Our Board is there for guidance, advice and information on mātauranga waka. In our engagements we focus on protection, sharing and keeping mātauranga waka alive.

Frank Kawe

Kaihautū: Te Tairāwhiti
Waka: Takitimu / Te Pahore o Rehua
“He herenga waka, he whitiwhiti whakaaro, he whitiwhiti kōrero, e tū ko te māramatanga.”

Te Pō Mārie Hawaikirangi 

Kaihautū: Te Matau a Māui
Waka: Te Matau a Māui
“Before learning about navigating by the stars, pick some sandpaper up and do some mahi.”

Martin Bercic

Kaihautū: Kaihautū – Te Tai Tokerau
Waka: Te Aurere / Ngatokimatawhaorua
“Tama Tū, Tama Ora, Tama Noho, Tama Mate”

Hohepa Potini

Kaihautū: Kaihautū – Te Ūpoko o te Ika
Waka: Tainui / Te Ahi Kākariki
“Rauawatia tō waka. Ka oti ka waiho. Kia tāu ana!”

Brendan Flack

Kaihautū: Kaihautū – Te Waipounamu o Runga
Waka: Takitimu / Araiteuru / Uruao / Hauteruruku
“Tuatahi ko te waka”

Todd Jago

Kaihautū: Kaihautū – Te Tauihu o te Waka
Waka: Tainui
“Manaaki moana, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua”

Tamsin Evans

Kaihautū: Kaihautū
Waka: Hinemoana
“Ko te waka te kaupapa”

Marama Togiaheulu

Kaihautū: Kaihautū – Tāmaki Makaurau + Rangatahi Rep
Waka: Tainui / Aotearoa Tuatahi
“Success is succession”

Iaean Cranwell

Kaihautū: Kaihautū (Co-chair) – Te Waipounamu o Raro
Waka: Uruao / Karaerae
“Who’s next on watch”

Hoturoa Barclay-Kerr

Kaihautū: Co-chair | Te Tai Hauāuru
Waka: Tainui / Haunui
“The role of the navigator is to look into adversity and find opportunity”