E kau ki te tai e.
E kau rā e Tāne wāhia atu rā te ngaru hukahuka a Marereao
Pikitia atu te aurere kura a Taotaorangi,
Tapatapa ruru ana te kakau o te hoe
E auheke ana, e tara tutu ana, te huka a Tangaroa i te puhi whatukura,
I te puhi māreikura o taku waka
Ka titiro iho au ki te pae o uta, ki te pae o waho,
Piki tū rangi ana te kakau o te hoe
Kumea te uru o taku waka ki runga I te kiri waewae o Papatūānuku e takoto mai nei
Ki runga ki te uru tapu nui a Tāne e tū mai nei
Whatiwhati rua te hoe a Poupoto
Tau ake ki te hoe nā Kura he ariki whatumanawa,
Tōu manawa e Kura, ki taku manawa
Ka irihia ki Wai o Nuku, ka irihia ki Wai o Rangi
Ka whiti au ki te whai ao, ki te ao marama
Tupu kerekere, tupu wanawana
Ka haramai te toki
Haumi e, Hui e Taiki e!

21st to 27th of October

He Waka Haumaru — He Kāinga Hokia

Know the ways of the water before you let go of the land

As kaitiaki and kaihautū of kaupapa waka here in Aotearoa, our shared mission with our waka trusts and partners is to make our waka safe for those involved.

To celebrate Safer Boating Week – 21st to 27th of October – and as we head into the season of Hineraumati, we want to remind our whānau waka of best safety practices while out on the moana aligning with this years Safer Boating Week theme ‘Come Home Safe’.

No matter how big or small your waka is, you can always prepare yourself before heading out!

To see more waka hourua safety information or best practices, check out social media throughout the week.

To learn more on regulations and procedures visit saferboating.org.nz

Kia Ora

As kaitiaki and kaihautū, Te Hau Kōmaru National Waka Hourua Charitable Trust waka is setting sail to protect, bring awareness to, share kōrero of, and guide the continued legacy of kaupapa waka in Aotearoa.

It is a group that people can go to for guidance, advice and information on mātauranga waka. In our engagements we focus on protection, sharing and keeping mātauranga waka alive.